
Thursday 22 March 2018

Tepaia-Pass the story

Pass the story

Once upon a time there was a boy named jack and he went on a adventure and it is called Jack and the beanstalk .His mum wanted to sell the cow but jack didn't want to but he left the home and took the cow to find some money and then a man walked up to him with beans. He said it was magic beans.Then Jack went home wondering what he should do with the bean. He left the bean on pence his mum saw the bean in the morning and threw them outside the window when jack the next morning jack went to find the bean.Then Benjamin’s brother Toby farted too he smelled too in the dad was like OMG who was that then we said it was our dog he was running around outside then his dad was like stop lying it's not good to its not good then they just played ps4 on fortnite then we farted the end.

Toby: Benjamin farted oh no, I was knocked out by the smell s the sprinklers from the roof turned on even though wasn’t a fire and out of the corner of my eye could see ben like rocket on the floor turning and twisting, boosting his farts, where… through the roof and the house!

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